sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2012

Purple flower/ Floare violet

Acum ceva timp Suzy, cateaua mea Cocker Spaniel, a avut un accident. Am fost aproape de ea cand a fost operata.
 Suzy are peste13 ani si nu stiam cum va rezista operatiei, daca se va mai trezi. Incercand sa-mi ascund frica, nelinistea, am schitat tot felul de bijuterii. In cinstea lui Suzy.
Aceasta e una din ele.

Suzy e bine acum, alearga prin casa ca si cum ar avea citiva ani.
Doar ca nu mai sta cu noi sa ne astepte cind se face ora de culcare.
Doar ca nu ne mai aude.
Dar atunci cind suntem plecati priveste pe fereastra... Sa ne intimpine...

Colierul este realizat cu margele de ametist, perle , sirma placata cu argint si sirma artistica mov.

Some time ago Suzy, my dog Cocker Spaniel, had an accident. I was there when Suzy had a surgery operation.
  Suzy is 13 years old and we were no sure she  will survive . Trying to hide my fear, anxiety, I drew all kinds of jewelry. In honor of Suzy.
This is one of them.
Suzy's fine now, running around the house like she has just a few years.
Just when is bed time she is not going to stay with us.
She doesn't  hear us anymore.
But when we are out she is looking trough the  window ... Waiting for us ...

The necklace is made from  amethyst beads, pearls, silver plated wire and artistic purple wire.

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