vineri, 5 aprilie 2013

Samurai spring

Ce legatura are acest pandantiv cu samuraiul? Dupa ce am vorbit despre moartea samuraiului, acum reprezentam viata.
Si un haiku inchinat primaverii:

a cool spring breeze . . .
flowers swaying side to side
in the meadow

Jake S.

si inca

Oh, these spring days!
A nameless little mountain,
wrapped in morning haze!

Daca va place pandantivul si haiku si, mai ales daca ghiciti cum am ales numele, "Samurai spring" va apartine.
Dacă sunteți foarte departe de mine ... va fi greu ... dar cel puțin știu că o persoană foarte inteligentă se uită la bijuteriile mele...

What is the connection of this pendant with samurai? After talking about the death of the samurai, now I'm representing life.
And a haiku dedicated to spring:

the cool spring breeze. . .
flowers swaying side to side
in the meadow

Jake S.

and still

Oh, These spring days!
A nameless little mountain,
Wrapped in morning haze!

Matsuo Basho's Haiku

If you love the pendant and haiku and, especially if you guess how I chose the name ,"Samurai spring" is yours.
If you are too far away from me...will be difficult...but at least I know that a very intelligent person is looking after my jewelry...

Pret 45 RON (Inclus snur suede)

miercuri, 3 aprilie 2013

Tree of life (16) Sakura

"Dorinta umple inima mea

Atunci când lumânările sunt aprinse;

Caderea florii de cires. "

                                                      Haiku (poezie japoneza) de Shirao

Copacul florii de cires, Sakura, semnifica tranzitia, viata trecatoare. Perioada scurta de inflorire, fragilitatea , dar si frumusetea lor au starnit imaginatia multor poeti si creatori. Se spune ca fiecare floare cazuta semnifica viata pierduta in batalie a unui samurai. 
Chinezii, pe de alta parte, ii atribuie puterea dominatoare, sexualitatea si frumusetea feminina.
Am avut prilejul sa ma plimb in Belgia, pe o strada plina de ciresi infloriti. E minunat. E una din amintirile mele cele mai frumoase. 

"Yearning fills my heart

When the candles are lit;

Cherry blossom fall."

Haiku by Shirao

Cherry  Blossom Tree , Sakura, meaning "tranzient of life". Short period of flowering, fragility, and beauty stirred the imagination of many poets and artists. They say that every fallen flower signifies a life lost in battle of Samurai.
The Chinese, on the other hand, assigns dominant power, sexuality and feminine beauty.
I had the opportunity to walk in Belgium, on a street full of cherry blossoms. It's great. It's one of my most beautiful memories.

Pret 45 RON

marți, 2 aprilie 2013

Matthias tree

Tree of life  (15)
Un copac al copiilor. Infrunzit, stralucitor, falnic si cu un scranciob/ utzulus(cum se spune in Banat) care isi asteapta partenerul de Joaca.
L-am numit "Pomul lui Matthias".
Contine unakit, glitter verde, margelute cu interior argintat lime.

A tree of children. Leafy, bright, majestic with a swing  that awaits playmates.
I called the "Tree of Matthias'.
Contains unakit, green glitter, beads with silver inside.
